Family Photo


Baby, mommy, and grandmommy!


  1. nursemary says:

    So beautiful! Just look at Glory Bee, bigger than her mama. Too sweet. Woulda’ thunk it when you were chasing her all over Roane county? :happyfeet:

  2. dmcfarland says:

    Dear BP and her legacy, how sweet. I love that Glory Bee still loves her mom and they have a intact family unit. Such a story you could spin about these three ladies.

  3. Auntie Linda says:

    Lovely ladies!

  4. margiesbooboo says:

    GB sure has BPs hips!

  5. Mandys says:

    Aw they look so sweet all together!

  6. DancesInGarden says:

    Baby, safe and sound between the two. Sigh. 🙂

  7. The High Altitude Tea Duchess says:

    Poor old, BP. I’m glad she has such a wonderful environment to live in during her retirement.

  8. ibpallets (Sharon B.) says:


  9. anne.smith says:

    Been waiting for a three generation photo. Thanks.

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