Nutmeg and Dr. Pepper


Mommies and babies…. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

By the way, yesterday Dr. Pepper got out again. I still haven’t figured out how he’s doing that. This time he got out on the back side of the goat yard. Wooded hillside. It was far, far around the back and up one side and around the chicken house or far, far the other way around the garden to make it back to one of the gates or to where I could get him. Easily, that is. And he didn’t seem to know how to get there himself. He was crying frantically, wanting back in. I had just put all my jeans in the washing machine. All two pairs of them. So there I am, clambering around the back side of the garden to the back side of the goat yard, to the wooded hillside, with no pants on. I couldn’t figure out how to drag/carry Dr. Pepper all the back around so I just held him over the fence as far as I could and let him jump down.

Then he and Nutmeg took a nap and I probably have poison ivy.

It was worth it.


  1. CindyP says:

    Oh bahahahaha! Suzanne! I hear the lye soap is good for poison ivy 😉

  2. wvhomecanner says:

    Oops – would be a good time to have some jewelweed ‘tea’ in frozen cubes in the freezer. YIKES.

    who used to be SO allergic to PO!

  3. whaledancer says:

    Maybe you need a goat lasso.

  4. JerseyJenny says:

    Sounds like your Dr. Pepper and our Frankling, the Babydoll sheep, would really get along. The little brat keeps escaping!

  5. NancyL says:

    Awww, poor little frantic Dr. Pepper! oops, I mean, poor Suzanne! Out there in the nasty green stuff without her pants!

  6. bbkrehmeyer says:

    And I would hate to say just WHERE you have the poison ivy. Silly girl!!!

  7. prayingpup says:

    Ok – as in NO PANTS WHAT-SO-EVER? Or, shorts? Hee, hee!

  8. RoseR says:

    That is just the cutest picture! :sheep:

  9. herbalcat says:

    The cutest picture ever! Awwww…..

  10. Barbee says:

    Some people swear by white shoe polish for poison ivy. I’ve never tried it myself. I’ve heard it dries it up.

  11. Turtle Mom says:

    Those photos are just too stinking cute! I love your goats, but I am very happy it’s not me that has to chase them. We had ponies when I was a child and they were forever getting out. We finally figured out that they were rolling under the fence – both the wooden and the electric fences. They generally always ran back to the farm we bought them from which was a few miles away via the old deserted railroad tracks and through several fields. They would then somehow get back into that pasture where we would have to catch them and ride them home.

  12. cabynfevr says:

    ….and with no pants you’re apt to have it in some very tender spots!!!! :dancingmonster:

  13. Jersey Lady says:

    Hope you do not get the itchies. I got poison oak when we were first married from putting my jeans on with my shoes already on. I had walked in the woods with those shoes and did not realize how the plant oil could transfer. I got so bad I had to stay home from teaching a couple days. Ick! Soaking in the tub with oatmeal in it helped.Also put nail polish on any spots as soon as you see them. It smothers them and keeps it from spreading.

  14. Darlene in North GA says:

    He’s small enough and light enough that he may be climbing the stock paneling and jumping over.

    Like raising kids, some things work for one person, but not another and some things will work for a while and then no longer work, but here’s a suggestion.

    Train your animals to the “sound” of the food bucket. I had a goat. She was in my yard which was completely fenced in. Only problem was, to get the car out of the yard I had to open the double gate. At which point, the goat escaped – into my neighbor’s garden! And she wouldn’t come back when I’d call her. So I started not feeding her until AFTER I had the car outside the gate. Every time I fed her, no matter whether or not the gate was opened, I’d yell “cush, cush” and bang on the side of the feed pail with a wooden spoon. Then I’d take the pail with me. It wasn’t long before all I had to do was yell “cush, cush” and before I could bang, she’d be on her way to me. It was the only way I could get her back INSIDE the gate and away from all those nice veggies.

    I’m wondering if you start the same thing with your animals. If you can “train” them so whenever they hear whatever it is that you say to them (and bang the pail) they will run to you. Then when they get out, get to where they can see you with no obstacles (like a fence line or a tree) in front of them, say whatever it is you’ve chosen to say and bang the pail. They “should” run to you. Then keep the pail just out of reach (like you do when you’ve moved some of the animals) and “lead” them back to where they belong. Beats chasing them – if it works for YOU. lol No bets there as every animal is different. But it might be worth a try. HTH

  15. TinaBell says:

    Good grief, what a mental image! You out there wrangling a goat in…shorts? jammie pants? UNDIES?!! Well, if you put some oats in a blender and sort of powder them, then combine with an equal part corn starch you’ll have the makings of a fantastic remedy for poison anything. Just mix a bit of the mixture with enough water to make a paste and apply thickly to any itchy areas and let dry. It relieves the itch with the added benefit of pulling the toxins out of the rash. Dries it up Quick!!
    P.S. It does sting a little at first, but nothing you can’t handle!

  16. yvonnem says:

    Suzanne, Me thinks you need to buy yourself a few more pair of pants….I figure you were out there in a long t-shirt with either just shorts or panties (yikes) and your farm boots! LOL!!

    Very sweet pic of Dr. Pepper and Nutmeg. :happyflower:

  17. Granny Trace says:

    :snoopy: LOVE LOVE GOAT LOVE!!
    Granny Trace

  18. Darlene in North GA says:

    Lol. Well it was worth a shot suggesting it. sigh I know you’re one smart cookie, I was just hoping you’d somehow missed this trick and that this would work. Alas…that’s the way with raisin’ stuff. Some days ya gotta get dirty, scratched, kicked or bitten to get the job done. Not to mention listening to bawling. (Am I talking animals or kids here??? lol)

    Hope there’s no poison xxx on your poor legs. (says she who had to ride down to Atlanta (1 1/2 hrs away) in a wet BRA because I don’t have a dryer and FORGOT to hang the whites up after I washed them the evening before!)lol

  19. Julia says:

    Oooh Darlene. I bet that was miserable. One trick that has worked for me in a similar situation… Roll the garment up in a towel to get as much moisture out as possible. Then blow on it with a hair dryer.

  20. bbkrehmeyer says:

    Its got to be so hard to have a farm with pastures in the woods, and up steep hills, with “rivers” running through…
    We ranched over 200,000 acres on flat prairie land with “ner” a tree in sight!!Nothing but prairie grass, and sage brush. didn’t have to worry about poison ivy, but did have to watch for poison rattlers!

  21. Mountain Blessings says:

    :sheepjump: Awww, thats the sweetest pic!

  22. JerseyMom says:

    ah, one of the advantages of living where there are no neighbors within sight – the ability to go outside without your pants!! 8)

  23. Flowerpower says:

    Why is it animals don’t do what we want them to? Suzanne the mental picture in my head of you half dressed wading thru the weeds and such is too funny! Keep a pair of sweats or something hanging close by just in case you have to do this again. I surely hope you don’t have poison ivy! That is a nasty thing! The picture of Nutmeg and her little one is just too precious! The little dickens!

  24. wildcat says:

    Aww, Nutmeg and Dr. Pepper look so sweet napping together! :hug:

  25. IowaCowgirl says:

    Old home preventative for poison ivy:
    carry a lead sinker in your pocket (constantly) and you will not get poison ivy…won’t cure or lessen severity if you already have it, but will prevent it. (I know this sounds weird but it works.)

  26. gingergoat says:

    A goat breeder in our area (Southeast Kansas) told me that in order to contain goats you must build a fence that will hold water!

    Goats are indeed sweet little devils. :devil2:

  27. mamajoseph says:

    Samburu (tribal people where we live in Kenya) train their goats to come to a weird, squeaky, squawky sound. My 7 y/o can make the noise, of course, boys are good at things like that. The goats come every time, so funny. The cows are trained to a different sound, sort of like making a quick gasp. It’s so easy for them to move the animals from one place to the next, but you should see ME trying to shoo the cow when she goes astray…ridiculous. And then I end up defeated by a small boy.

  28. msmitoagain says:

    I have poisen ivy right now……no fun.

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