She’s Not A Heifer Anymore


Everybody is healthy and perfect!!!! I do not know if it’s a boy or a girl. I will check tomorrow. More asap!


  1. beforethedawn says:

    Oh my gosh! Congrats miss Glory Bee! Glad to hear all is well with momma and baby. So exciting!! :moo:

  2. lattelady says:

    How very sweet.

  3. Auntie Linda says:

    So excited! Congratulation to you all…..GB, BP (grandma) and Suzanne & family!

  4. spatdi says:

    Congratulations to you, Glory Bee, and the wee one! Eager to learn if it’s boy or girl!!

  5. utroukx says:

    that’s so awesome! yay! :snoopy:

  6. collector1 says:

    Congrats! What a cutie! My father always said that a heifer did not become a cow until after the 2nd calf — was a 1st calf heifer until the 2nd calf.

  7. fowlers says:

    Merry Christmas::to all of you:: what a joy: and it’s to cute! now for a name::: Congrats to all:::

  8. bonita says:

    Yippee! Glad all are well. Will stay tuned for de tales

  9. Donna says:

    What an adorable little face! I could just hug the stuffin’ out of that sweet little thing! Congratulations on the new farm family member, Suzanne!

  10. Country Blossom says:

    Congratulations!! :cowsleep:

  11. amateisgal says:

    What a sweetheart! Congrats!

  12. Jane L says:

    OMGosh how cute is he/she?! Congratulations! Looking forward to the tales about this one.

  13. ddlapew says:

    How sweet is that baby! Your picture shows a rather confused newborn calf. SURPRISE or FOOLED-YA would be good names.

  14. DFW says:

    Woo Hoo!!! I simply can’t wait for the pics!

  15. Dumbcatluvr says:

    :moo: YAY!!

  16. maryellen51 says:

    Congrats, what a lovely day for her to be born, too.

  17. Janine E says:

    COngratulations! what a darling little calf!

  18. Mandys says:

    AHHH YAY :D:D It’s so cute :D:D I can’t believe, it seems like only yesterday that I was reading about Glory Bee being born and now she has a calf of her own!

  19. ibnsgirl says:

    What a Christmas present! Congrats to y’all! ๐Ÿ˜€

  20. CaseyS says:

    How sweet! Congrats Glory Bee!

  21. cindyinohio says:

    Yeah Glory Bee – what a beautiful baby. Let the fun begin…er…continue!!!

  22. leneskate says:

    Wow how nice I bet Glory Bee is happy to be somewhat lighter!!
    So cute too! :snoopy:

  23. Rainla says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! If its a girl you can name her Merry Bee!!! She/he is beautiful …Congratulations!!!

  24. Justquilting says:

    What a blessing today turned out to be. :cowsleep:

  25. outbackfarm says:

    Oh my goodness gracious!!! That is amazing! BP is a grandma! And I bet you are just about to burst with happiness and excitement. So happy for you and for GB. She looks good. Wow!

  26. GrammieEarth says:

    I want kiss that wet face? “It” (not the Stephen King version) is just plain kissable!!! LOVE LOVE

    Bad Baby strikes again..! <3

    … if one was to cover their eyes and just LOOK at that baby nose and lips…

    just saying

  27. margiesbooboo says:

    Thank goodness GB made it through. I had doubts from the last pics you posted. I’m so relieved!

  28. Snapper119 says:

    Congratulations GloryBee !!! Miss Suzanne looks like you got an early Christmas present. from.Maiya :reindeer: :grinch: :snowman:

  29. CATRAY44 says:

    congratulations! A round of milk for all! :shimmy:

  30. janet gordon says:

    I’m so glad BP is doing well after her slip and fall. And how nice that Glory Bee’s accouchement was so low key – no one needed more emergencies. Enjoy your new baby on the farm!

  31. grannieof10 says:

    Now the terrible baby is momma!! Yea!!!

  32. alba says:

    Well Hello Petal your a wee Gem. Congrates to GB & BP :heart:

  33. Anita says:

    AWWW! Idn’t it PRECIOUS!!! :snoopy:

  34. lesliedgray says:

    Congratulations Glory Bee!!!!! Good job!… I guess she fooled the Bee-hind watch……LOL!!

  35. holstein woman says:

    Well it is obvious everything went well. I’m so glad calfie was born in the daylight. Makes watching for it easier, and with all the BP action lately you don’t need anymore activity on the farm.

    Congratulations GB BP and family. Now for the milk, yummy

  36. lifeisgood/ Melinda says:

    what a cute calf!! If it’s a girl are you going to keep her ?

  37. cinderbama says:

    We needed something wonderful to celebrate after yesterday’s tragedy. So now you know we are all making baby name lists! LOL. Here are my suggestions:

    Girl: Joy Noelle or Merry Belle

    Boy: Gabriel or Prancer

    Merry Christmas Suzanne!!!!

  38. Leck Kill Farm says:

    It is so brown…..I hope it is a female. (I am assuming a male will be moved on to different pastures later on…..)

    It was so warm in PA today. I would think it was nice and warm in WV.

    Please post all the detail as soon as you can.

  39. SuzieQ says:

    Beautiful baby! How wonderful that all went well. Merry Christmas, Little One!! :heart: :snoopy: :heart:

  40. VaGirl2 says:

    Oh.My.Gosh. It sure looks like a boy!

  41. steakandeggs says:

    Congratulations on a really nice looking calf. Exciting isn’t to be getting a new calf? Do I see another adventure in the making?
    What a cutie the little darling is. :moo: :hug:
    I’m so glad they doing well. I know you told us but I forgot. What was the bull? I remember when we had our Limousin Bull the bull calf looked like the mother and the heifer calf looked like the father.

  42. VictorianGirl says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an adorable baby, so glad the proud Momma and baby are doing well. She/he is your little Christmas angel. Angel might be a good name if it’s a girl?

  43. Claudia W says:

    SURPRIZE!!!!! She/He is cute!

  44. lifeisgood/ Melinda says:

    It will be fun to read how different it is for this calf and Glory Bee as compared to when BP had GB. You are so much more prepared this time with the new farm. Wonder if this little girl or guy will be as rotten as her/his mama was?!

  45. jeninid says:

    Congrats! :snoopy: (S)he is sure cute!

  46. liz2 says:

    Congratulations to GB, BP, and to you, Suzanne! A beautiful baby! Hope mother, baby, and Grandmother BP are all doing well.

  47. nursemary says:

    Oh how wonderful and exciting! Remember the days when your kids were young and causing you grey hairs? We all said, “Someday you’ll have kids of your own and then it’s payback time.” Well, the bad baby is about to get her payback. But I hope it is a good baby and that everyone is happy and healthy and not naughty! I am looking forward to pics and stories.


  48. NancyL says:

    Thank God for new life after yesterday’s tragic loss. You could call him or her Sandy…..

    Hugs to you, Momma, Grandma, and the new one.

    Nancy in Iowa

  49. MousE says:



    But a couple of comments refer to ‘yesterday’s tragic loss’….. I’m sorry, did I miss something? Is BP ok????

  50. Mandys says:

    Mouse – BP Is fine ๐Ÿ™‚ I think they are referring to the shootings ๐Ÿ™

  51. farmershae says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! :cowsleep:

  52. MousE says:

    Oh, Mandys, of course, how nearsighted of me. So tragic…… no words…….

  53. Sheila Z says:

    Yeap as I predicted on your post before this one, GB would calve in a day or two. How’s the milking going? Is she settling down and not kicking too much? Her bag and teats are apt to be sore and painful for a 1st time heifer and she is not used to standing to be milked. Is she letting the calf feed OK? Hope all is going well. Is Granny BP ignoring the calf or trying to take over and claim it as her own?

    If you are giving GB grain right now remember to increase it slowly otherwise her udder will be even more painful and prone to mastitis infection. Too much grain too quickly can make it impossible to milk her out all the way. Sorry, ex dairy farmer in me thinking of all the things that go wrong. I’ll stop now.

  54. woolylamb says:

    Beautiful! I have been absent because my daughter had a horrible auto accident. She will be okay, no one else involved, but I have not been here at all. This is a wonderful way to come back into the Stringtown world! New Life!

  55. Pete says:


  56. Pat says:

    Congratulations to Miss Glory Bee, Grandma BP, and you! :snoopy:
    Pat in Eastern NC

  57. Rose H says:

    Many, many congratulations to you and Mom! How’s Grandma taken it? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Can’t wait for more news…
    (Sorry, I did try to reply yesterday but my laptop locked up…computers ARE male aren’t they!)
    Rose H

  58. wildcat says:

    OMG, how precious! Can’t wait to hear all about the adventures of Bad Baby 2! :yes: Congrats to everyone at Sassafras Farm!

  59. Barbee says:

    If, as you wrote recently, this one is headed for the meat locker, it might be a good idea to give it a number not a name. In wildcat’s comment the calf is referred to as Bad Baby 2, maybe just call it Number 2, for being the second calf born to your “herd”.

  60. lavenderblue says:

    Hey, Suzanne, guess what! GB is pregnant! Or was. Sheesh, ya turn your back for a minute around this blog…

    Congratulations! :snoopy:

  61. whaledancer says:

    Awww, another baby on the farm. I’m happy for you and glad that Glory Bee’s first calving went well. Congratulations.

  62. jeandf says:

    :moo: :moo: :snoopy: :moo:
    Congrats on the new calf! Precious!

  63. wanda1950 says:

    I’m shocked–was sure it’d be longer to wait! Glad you were there for the big event–being so bad a baby, I was afraid she’d sneak off to have her calf somewhere you couldn’t see.

    I hope nursing & milking go well. How’s BP taking the new baby?

  64. nosnowtn says:

    Congrats Suzanne on the newest member to your family!!! I watched a horse give birth once, and have seen more than my share of piggies born. I’m waiting patiently to see if you have beef or milk in your future, either way a blessing, enjoy.

  65. Sheryl says:

    Congrats to GB and granmommas!:heart: If looks count, it sure looks like a little bull to me. After three sons and seven gsons, maybe I’ve just got boys on the brain, lol! He/she sure is a cute little meatball!

  66. yvonnem says:

    Meatball is a good name! I missed this yesterday, my Frontier DSL was out for over 24 hours. Maybe Suzanne’s is too since she hasn’t posted today. Anyway, so glad all went well with GB’s first baby!!! :moo:

  67. FujiQ says:

    Waiting in agony to hear more! But, glad to hear that it was a piece o’ cake. I’m assuming she was bred in early March?

  68. patricialynn says:

    Awww, what a cutie! If it’s a girl, what about Winter Eve (since winter is so late in coming this year). I’d say Christmas Eve but she arrived nine days too early LOL!

  69. Justquilting says:

    Getting a little worried, hope all is well…

  70. jan n tn says:

    comment #17-“Quick, get a halter on it!!” I second that idea! Personally, I would have to call it BB. Could stand for any number of full names: bad boy, beautiful babe and so on. Super happy that everything went well…and you’re sure that there isn’t another one in there waiting to be born on christmas day!

  71. Yankee in NC says:

    Born on my Birthday!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!

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