Well Shucks


The river went down and for some reason, Cindy seemed to think she needed to go home. I don’t know why. I’m sure that no one there needs her as much as I do. Aside from helping me prepare in the last few days (not to mention months) before the retreat and party, she did all kinds of techie stuff for me like download a printer driver onto my laptop so that I can PRINT STUFF and fix me up with a little copyright watermark to go on my photos! With the periodic issues I have with people snatching my photos, I’ve gotten numerous questions about why I don’t do that. I didn’t know how to set it up.

If you have any other good ideas, they’ll have to wait till next time Cindy’s here!

P.S. I won’t put that on all my photos. I still don’t like ’em. I’ll just put it on the ones that look the most stealable.


  1. Glenda says:

    Cindy sounds like the next door neighbor we all need!

    I hope the copyright watermark thing will save you some grief down the road. I see lots of bloggers are doing that now.

  2. KellyWalkerStudios says:

    And the photo of Coco and Casper is certainly one that people would steal. Look at those faces!

  3. Becky says:

    Hey, Suzanne, you can make that watermark opaque and put it across the center of your pictures, it’s visible but still see through. I have begun doing that with my pics.

  4. Miss Judy says:

    Well, sounds like Cindy will have to come back and make that watermark opaque 😉 Any excuse to get a good friend to come visit again!

  5. BrownSheep says:

    I think it’s kind of cute. It doesn’t take up the entire thing, and doesn’t look forboding and out of place.

  6. steakandeggs says:

    I don’t know how to do this and I don’t know if CindyP does, but I heard of people linking their computers. That way someone can add things or fix a computer and not actually being there. Just a thought.

    BTW love your name on the picture. Hope you add it to your recipe pictures.

  7. joykenn says:

    Ah, Ha! I can answer this question. There’s a feature built into Windows call Remote Assistance. Using it and Windows Messenger someone can look at your system and make changes remotely. You have to be running the same version of Windows (both XP for example). Here’s a link on how it’s done. Evidently parents with tech savvy kids away from home are “saved” by this feature. https://www.ehow.com/how_5019475_fix-computers-remotely.html

  8. CindyP says:

    Ah, Ha!! Suzanne’s on a Mac! And I’m on a PC. LOL!

  9. beforethedawn says:

    Aw I’m sorry she had to leave you!

    I didn’t even notice the watermark until I read the post! I am so not observant apparently. Or I am just used to seeing them nowadays.

    I put my website on my pics too. With Pinterest and stealing, I’d rather it be on there. (not that any of my pics are worthy of stealing, but you never know.)


  10. tea4too0 says:

    Sorry Suzanne, but all your pictures are stealable! The one you have now isn’t in the way, but there is the rub. It could be cropped out. Think about the opaque. Love the dogs. T

  11. bonita says:

    Suzanne: With the way technology is, folks who are dead set on steling an image will find a way…even if the image has been center water-marked and opaqued. Personally I find the center watermark very distracting and disappointing. I think they often obscure the point of the photo. That’s fine for a photo you might eventually preview for purchase, but for personal enjoyment, well it seems to take all the fun out of it.
    CindyP: FWIW: The latest MAC OS (whatever feline that is) + Parallel software = MAC that acts like PC. I’ve been working with it a bit…some clients are PC at business end and MAC at writing/design end. Also at this point in time MCSFT Office 2011/MAC = latest Windows.

  12. lyzcollins says:

    As the owner of a professional photography business, I watermark all pictures that I post publicly. Anyone who posts pictures publicly should do so to protect their rights. I strongly recommend that you do too, Suzanne, as your photos are part of what you do to make a living.

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