

Cutest puppy in the world, right?

Precious the Puppy went to the vet yesterday for shots and threw up three times in the car. Hard day! So, of course, she needed a new outfit to make it all better.


  1. Joell says:

    I know just how she feels, I dont like doctors or shots, I have, however, got the trip to the doctors office under control. A new outfit does make one feel much better. Precious is just—–precious.

  2. helperguru says:

    My youngest dog throws up in the car too. It was really bad as a puppy. She is only about 5 pounds so I give her half a chewable baby benadryl and that seems to help with the carsickness. that and I always pack a change of clothes. she aims for me when she’s sick!

  3. TracyT says:

    The dog is adorable, but not a fan of the ‘clothes’. Never bought into the whole dog clothes thing though. I didn’t want a pseudo-baby…I wanted a dog. I love just letting them be dogs. To each her own, though. The dog is terrific and the earlier picture of the dog-cat staredown while the dog was in the bed was hilarious.

  4. Jersey Lady says:

    Aww…PoorPrecious! Our OrsonDog’s tummy does not handle even short car/truck rides either. We would love to take him everywhere with us but just can’t because since he is a GreatDane/BorderCollie mix, his upchucks are no small matter-Yuck. Hope Precious grows out of her carsickness.

  5. DeniseS says:

    Precious is adorable! Just love the photo.

  6. Starfish says:

    OMG that’s the funniest thing!!! Made me laugh, made my day and that costume……..I loooooooovvvvve it !! Good way to make it up to her Suzanne, she looks so sweet and adorable, poor baby…… 🙂 I think ……she also needs an additional treat, don’t you?

  7. Joell says:

    Suzanne, if car sickness remain an issue for Precious as she gets older, talk to you Vet, there are little medicated treats made just for dogs, I would be very leary of giving human medication to such a small doggie, in any case, please check with the Vet as to medications for that little bundle of fluff.

  8. beforethedawn says:

    So cute, love her outfit! We had a Pom-Chi that loved wearing clothes. Nothing wrong with pampering your Precious!

    I had an Eskimo dog that would throw up whenever he went for a ride in the car. But I get carsick too if I do anything other than looking out the window. It sucks.

  9. AnnieB says:

    Oh, she’s just so . . . . . . Precious!!! Poor baby, I just hate the thought of any animal or child throwing up. Makes me want to cry. Just a silly thing I have. Please give her a hug for me :snuggle:

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